Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris | |||||||||||||||||
Bulbophyllum flabellum-veneris is a species of Bulbophyllum found in Asia.
Plants bloom in the summer to fall
Plant is found on mossy rocks and tree trunks in semi deciduous forest inIndia, Burma, Laos, Thailand, penninsular Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia at elevations of 300 to 1100 meters
Keep plant in warm temperatures. Keep moist in summer seasons and do not allow mix to dry, in winter keep the mix slight dry and reduce watering. Keep good air movement to avoid fungal growth. Keep plants in shade. Pot plants in sphagnum moss, fine bark, or mounted.
Common Names:Venus' Fan Bulbophyllum
- Bulbophyllum andersonii Kurz 1870
- Cirrhopetalum flabellovernis [Koenig] 1824
- Bulbophyllum griffithianum Parish & Rchb.f 1874
- Bulbophyllum lepidum [Bl.]J. J. Sm. 1905
- Bulbophyllum lepidum var. angustum Ridl. 1896
- Bulbophyllum lepidum var. insigne J.J.Sm. 1920
- Bulbophyllum rolfeanum Siedenfadden & Smitinand 1961
- Cirrhopetalum andersonii [Kurz] Hkr. 1890
- Cirrhopetalum ciliatum Klinge 1898
- Cirrhopetalum gagnepanii Guillamin 1964
- Cirrhopetalum lepidum (Blume) Schltr. 1911
- Cirrhopetalum siamense Rolfe ex Downie 1925
- Cirrhopetalum viscidum (J.J.Sm.) Garay, Hamer & Siegerist 1994
- Epidendrum falbellum vernis Koenig 1791
- Ephippium lepidum Bl 1825
- Phyllorchis andersonii (H. Kurz) Kuntze 1891