Dendrochilum longifolium | |||||||||||||||||
Dendrochilum longifolium is a species in the Dendrochilum genus.
The plant blooms at any season with around forty 1.25 cm wide fragrant flowers.
Plants are found growing on rocky cliffs, mossy trees, and mangroves in Sumatra, Java, Malaysia, New Guinea and the Philippines at elevation of 450 to 2600 meters.
Plant can be grown from cool to warm areas with medium to bright light. Pot with fine bark and perlite or sphagnum moss. Plant prefers dry periods between watering. Reduce watering during the winter. Water about once a week.
Common Name: Long-leafed Dendrochilum
- Acoridium bracteosum (Rchb.f.) Rolfe 1904
- Acoridium longifolium (Rchb. f.) Rolfe 1904
- Dendrochilum amboinense J.J.Sm. 1919
- Dendrochilum bartonii (Ridl.) Schltr. 1911
- Dendrochilum bracteosum Rchb.f 1861
- Dendrochilum clemensiae Ames 1908
- Dendrochilum fuscum Teijsm. & Binn. 1862
- Dendrochilum longifolium Rchb.f var buruense J.J.Sm. 1928
- Dendrochilum macrobulbon Kraenzl 1907
- Platyclinis bartoni Ridl. 1908
- Platyclinis longifolia Hemsl. 1881